Numega & Installshield Protection
by +Oche Satriani
A really great tute for many reasons: first of all, it's about a key generation (and you know
I like them ;)). Then, it's about a great tool, a must for every cracker: Softice! Finally, it
gives you a lot of goodies! So, to quote +Oche... "Read it or lose it"!
The first time I downloaded SOFTICE was from CRACKSTORE's page, I spent hours
and hours just to get this BEAUTIFUL DEBUGGER, my MOM could kill me if she knew
that I was still hanging around on the NET at 3:00 AM, anyway that was my first
sacrifice to become a CRACKER. Then I started to SETUP this prog and got the
SN# from someone called FOSI. I was very happy that time, just like all of you
MEN !!!
The next day I tried to update my copy at NUMEGA's PAGE (still with the SN#
that I received from CRACKSTORE's PAGE)
Then guess what happened ?
There has been a problem processing your request because the file has been
downloaded an excessive amount of times.
Error 100
Please contact Customer Service
Maybe I needed to fill up the form registration first to update SOFTICE,
but when I did it this message appeared:
NuMega Product Registration
You have used a test serial number.
Please use your back button to return to the form.
Yeah ... what a STUPID message. Maybe NUMEGA has BLACKLISTED that SERIAL
After thinking for quite a long time, I figured out that SOFTICE SETUP file
can create you a bunch of SN#,
Let's tell our new SLAVE to do his work and UPDATE our beloved SOFTICE at
OK let's start to install SOFTICE,
... bla ...bla ...bla clicking this and clicking that what a boring job,
now InstallShield is asking your NAME, COMPANY and SN#, you can enter the
NAME and COMPANY with anything you like and the DUMMY CODE with :
1234-567890-AB (or anything else).
Now I'm thinking what breakpoint should work ....
After trying some breakpoint I figured out that BPX SENDDLGITEMMESSAGEA
works well.
Let's take a look how SENDDLGITEMMESSAGEA is declared :
LONG SendDlgItemMessage(
HWND hDlg, // handle of dialog box
int nIDDlgItem, // identifier of control
UINT Msg, // message to send
WPARAM wParam, // first message parameter
LPARAM lParam // second message parameter
The SendDlgItemMessage function sends a message to the specified control in
a dialog box.
If you want the WINAPI references try to get it at
First of all you must find where the PROTECTION is located and if you wanna
find that CRAP then be PATIENT coz this time is a VERY VERY LONG JOURNEY
Ok you've found it, you learn quickly pal, I like that, let's continue and
analize what's going on. But do you know where you are right now ? No ? Do
you see NMINST32! .text+0E44 in SOFTICE ?
That means you're in NMINST32.DLL. :) OK continue ...
:10001E44 FFD5 call ebp
:10001E46 8D7C2418 lea edi, dword ptr [esp+18]
:10001E87 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
:10001E8B 50 push eax
:10001E8C 6800620110 push 10016200 SAVE FIRST TABLE
:10001E91 E81A800000 call 10009EB0
:10001E96 83C408 add esp, 00000008 CORRECT THE STACK
:10001E99 85C0 test eax, eax
:10001E9B 7542 jne 10001EDF
:10001E9D 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
:10001EA1 50 push eax
:10001EA2 68A0620110 push 100162A0 SAVE SECOND TABLE
:10001EA7 E804800000 call 10009EB0
:10001EAC 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:10001EAF 85C0 test eax, eax
:10001EB1 752C jne 10001EDF
:10001EB3 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
:10001EB7 50 push eax
:10001EB8 6850620110 push 10016250 NO TABLE
:10001EBD E8EE7F0000 call 10009EB0
:10001EC2 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:10001EC5 85C0 test eax, eax
:10001EC7 7516 jne 10001EDF
:10001EC9 8D442410 lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10]
:10001ECD 50 push eax
:10001ECE 68B0610110 push 100161B0 NO TABLE
:10001ED3 E8D87F0000 call 10009EB0
:10001ED8 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:10001EDB 85C0 test eax, eax
:10001EDD 740F je 10001EEE
:10001EDF 68D0660110 push 100166D0
You can see that there is a four same call, the call 10009EB0 and before
that call there is two parameters being pushed, let's figured out.
First Parameter
lea eax, dword ptr [esp+10] ----------> EAX will contain some address
push eax
After EAX has the address let's see what is eax containing.
Now DUMP EAX in SOFTICE, you'll see :
D'ya see that ......?
They only take our first three char, 11th & 12th char , the 8th, 9th and
10th char for the first parameter.
[The rest is nothing than a SILLY GARBAGE.] .......... WRONG if you are
thinking like that, coz the others are needed for generating the REAL CODE!
Second Parameter
THE PUSH 10016200 instruction saves the FIRST TABLE on the stack, PUSH
100162A0 saves the SECOND TABLE.
FIRST TABLE will look like this :
190 400 401 410
411 420 421 430
431 480 481
The second TABLE is the same as the first one but only the 190 is change to
191. That mean you have TWELVE option for your first three chars, pick up
your favourite one OK.
Anyway ...... 400x-xxxxxx-xx belongs to the NUMEGA CODE REVIEW v5.01
serial number, coz when I tried to decompile the code review script file,
I figure out that the table is almost identical, so if you create a SN# in
SOFTICE setup file with 400 in front of it, then that's the SN# for CODE
REVIEW (.... he he he he .... in one product contain a lot of SN# for the
other products). Your homework is to try each number and figure out
yourself, I'm sure they will work for the other NUMEGA products.
NOW the CALL 10009EB0, What d'ya think of that ?
The important thing is, we don't want EAX containing ZERO when returning
from the CALL, coz you'll miss the JNE 10001EDF(Another part of the
protection after TRACING it for along time.)
:10009EB0 8B4C2408 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+08] ECX = 123.....AB.890..
:10009EB4 57 push edi
:10009EB5 53 push ebx
:10009EB6 56 push esi
:10009EB7 8A11 mov dl, byte ptr [ecx] | our first char to DL
:10009EB9 8B7C2410 mov edi, dword ptr [esp+10] | EDI = FIRST TABLE
:10009EBD 84D2 test dl, dl |
:10009EBF 7469 je 10009F2A |
:10009EC1 8A7101 mov dh, byte ptr [ecx+01] | our second char to DH
:10009EC4 84F6 test dh, dh |
:10009EC6 744F je 10009F17 ____________|If our first & second
char = 0 then GETOUT
from the CALL.
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Addresses:
|:10009F02(C), :10009F15(U)
:10009EC8 8BF7 mov esi, edi
:10009ECA 8B4C2414 mov ecx, dword ptr [esp+14]
:10009ECE 8A07 mov al, byte ptr [edi]
:10009ED0 46 inc esi
:10009ED1 38D0 cmp al, dl
:10009ED3 7415 je 10009EEA ---------> If equal then
compare the next char.
When you enter your SERIAL with some dummy code like 1234-567890-AB then
your first three char (in this case 123) are compared with 190, if not
equal compared with 400, if not equal compared with 401 etc, until 481 (or
whatever inside the TABLE)
If it still not EQUAL then a TERRIBLE thing happens
the MIGHTY XOR EAX, EAX instruction ----> EAX = 0
Yes you're right, that means our first three chars must be EQUAL to one of
those in the TABLE. Let's change our DUMMMY CODE to 1900-123456-78 (Pick up
your favourite one from the TABLE !)
* Each Number from the TABLE has each own meaning, try to all of them coz
it's very interesting.
[JNE 10001EDF]
Ok you've passed the first PROTECTION let's JUMP to 10001EDF
:10001EDF 68D0660110 push 100166D0
:10001EE4 E8C77B0000 call 10009AB0 ??????????????
:10001EE9 83C404 add esp, 00000004
:10001EEC 8BF0 mov esi, eax
:10001EEE 85F6 test esi, esi
:10001EF0 7549 jne 10001F3B
We still don't want EAX containing 0 after the CALL 10009AB0, coz if EAX = 0
then ESI = 0 too, so we don't JUMP to 10001F3B, that mean a STUPID MESSAGE
will appear.
The JNE 10001F3B is the FINAL CHECK: if you PATCH this ONE, then everything
is FINE, but that's not our purpose isn't it, we want a REAL SERIAL NUMBER
so we can register it at NUMEGA's PAGE (that is what we really want).
:10009AB0 83EC34 sub esp, 00000034
:10009AB3 33C0 xor eax, eax
:10009B0F 83C408 add esp, 00000008
:10009B12 85C0 test eax, eax
:10009B14 7408 je 10009B1E
A very long long TRACE MAN and I'm tired with this one !!! Anyway the JE
10009B1E is a USELESS checking, you'll jump right here, right now:
:10009B1E 6840630110 push 10016340
* Reference To: KERNEL32.LoadLibraryA, Ord:018Eh ___
| |
:10009B23 FF15D4E10110 Call dword ptr [1001E1D4] | Checking for UTILITY.DLL
:10009B29 8BF8 mov edi, eax |
:10009B2B 85FF test edi, edi |
:10009B2D 752F jne 10009B5E __|
When you are in SOFTICE you'll get a message like this: WINICE:Load 32
........ bla bla bla bla ........ Mod=UTILITY
If you wanna get more information about the DLL that's being loaded, type
MOD UTILITY: you'll see the PATH of that DLL and some usefull INFO. So
that's only a checking whether your DLL exist or not. If NOT you'll get a
messagebox with the ERROR VALUE.
Coz we have the DLL sitting down nicely at our HD so let's continue.
* Possible StringData Ref from Data Obj ->"DigitCheck"
:10009B5E 68AC3F0110 push 10013FAC
:10009B63 57 push edi
* Reference To: KERNEL32.GetProcAddress, Ord:0115h
:10009B64 FF15C4E10110 Call dword ptr [1001E1C4]
:10009B6A 85C0 test eax, eax
:10009B6C 740E je 10009B7C
:10009B6E 8D4C2408 lea ecx, dword ptr [esp+08]
:10009B72 51 push ecx
:10009B73 FFD0 call eax ---------> The last CALL
:10009B75 83C404 add esp, 00000004
:10009B78 8BF0 mov esi, eax
:10009B7A EB2D jmp 10009BA9 RETURN from CALL
The CALL EAX is a CALL to UTILITY.DLL, we are now inside that DLL. This is
where the comparison is located.
Exported fn(): DigitCheck - Ord:0001h
:10001110 56 push esi
:10001111 B9FFFFFFFF mov ecx, FFFFFFFF
:1000113D E87E010000 call 100012C0 GENERATE THE REAL SN#
:10001142 33C0 xor eax, eax --->EAX = 0 (Begin with first one)
:10001144 8A8814B30010 mov cl, byte ptr [eax+1000B314] |ROUTINE to
:1000114A 328810B30010 xor cl, byte ptr [eax+1000B310] |GENERATE THE REAL
:10001150 0A0D17B30010 or cl, byte ptr [1000B317] |SN# AGAIN and
:10001156 888818B30010 mov byte ptr [eax+1000B318], cl |save them at
:1000115C 80C930 or cl, 30 |[1000B318]
:1000115F 888818B30010 mov byte ptr [eax+1000B318], cl |
:10001165 80F939 cmp cl, 39 |Is it a Number ?
:10001168 7609 jbe 10001173 |No, then convert
:1000116A 80C107 add cl, 07 |to Alphabet
:1000116D 888818B30010 mov byte ptr [eax+1000B318], cl ______|Save them.
:10001173 8A90E8B20010 mov dl, byte ptr [eax+1000B2E8] OUR DUMMY CODE
:10001179 8A8818B30010 mov cl, byte ptr [eax+1000B318] REAL
:1000117F 3AD1 cmp dl, cl COMPARE them. EQUAL ?
:10001181 740C je 1000118F ______
:10001183 80C920 or cl, 20 |IF not EQUAL
:10001186 A30CB30010 mov dword ptr [1000B30C], eax |compare in lowercase
:1000118B 3ACA cmp cl, dl |
:1000118D 7513 jne 100011A2 ______|BAD JUMP.
* Referenced by a (U)nconditional or (C)onditional Jump at Address:
| ___
:1000118F 40 inc eax | ONLY 4 times
:10001190 A30CB30010 mov dword ptr [1000B30C], eax | comparison
:10001195 83F804 cmp eax, 00000004 | for the PROTECTION
:10001198 7CAA jl 10001144 __|
You can see that the REAL SN# we're looking at is saved at [1000B318] and
OUR DUMMY CODE is at [1000B2E8], you must remember that your DUMMY CODE is
1900-123456-78 the comparison only COMPARES your last four char (in this
case 5678) with the REAL ONES, If not EQUAL maybe in lowercase ...? ,
compare them in lowercase ...? still not EQUAL then XOR EAX, EAX and get
out from the CALL. (Very BAD !)
The REAL SN# is generated from your other DUMMMY code, so you are wrong
when thinking our rest CODE is GARBAGE.
In the comparison routine EAX is just a pointer: its job is to point at the
NEXT char, you can see that INC EAX instruction in line 1000118F.
REGISTERING your copy at NUMEGA's Page
You must fill up the form with your new SN# at
then you'll see a BEAUTIFUL message like this :
NuMega Product Registration
Thank you, OCHE SATRIANI, for registering your NuMega solution. As a
registered user, look forward to exciting updates and announcements.
Now you can UPDATE your SOFTICE at
I've concluded that the SN# 1900-xxxxxx-xx is only for UPDATING SOFTICE to
version 3.24 but there is a GORGEOUS thing happen when I tried the SN#
Update Status
The following component versions are available:
* BC 5.0 Standard - Version 5.03
* BC 5.0 Visual C++ - Version 5.03
* SI 3.20 Windows 95/98 - Version 3.24
* CodeReview 5.0 - Version 5.01
* FailSafe 5.0 - Version 5.21
* TrueTime 1.x Visual Basic Edition - Version 1.20
* SI 3.20 Windows NT - Version 3.24
* I have told you before that each number from the TABLE has its own
meaning, so TRY IT or LOSE IT!
Better be QUICK don't let NUMEGA recognize your PIRATE SN# again, coz it's
OE'97 ITS 4397100xxx
(c) +Oche Satriani 1998.
WARNING: this tutorial is published for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only! Nobody
except you is responsible for what you do with the things you read here.
Also, if you intend to use shareware programs for a period longer than the
allowed one remember that you have to BUY them!